re-order the standard PS4 digital edition through Sony and you'll get the Ms. Marvel Talk to the Hand emote, and the Hex Pattern Logo dynamic theme. Meanwhile, Deluxe Edition pre-orders on the PlayStation Store include an exclusive Ms. Marvel nameplate, 1,000 credits to spend on superhero customisations in-game, and 72-hour early access ahead of launch.
Additionally, just to add that extra flourish of unnecessary convolution to proceedings, Square notes that PlayStation 4 owners, regardless of the edition they pre-order, will be able to access the beta before players on other platforms.
Back in the physical realm, Square has also announced two bumper-sized Marvel's Avengers special editions. The £79.99 Deluxe Edition includes an exclusive Obsidian Outfit pack (featuring six hero outfits), six exclusive Obsidian nameplates, and 72-hour early access.

Marvel's Avengers launches on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on 4th September.